This course will take you through all the things you need to do from your initial book idea right through to book launch and beyond.

Writing a book is only a small step in the process of becoming a published author. This course will guide you through the process of everything you need to do.
Across a 12 month timeline, every step you need to take is broken down and organised into 5 categories (task buckets!).

Want to get the cogs in motion and a timeline in place to publish your book?

This is the course for you.
1.5 hours of video lessons + worksheets & summaries.

Are you confused or struggling about the order you need to complete writing, publishing and book marketing tasks?

Would you like to set a deadline for your book launch?

Do you know all the little and large steps you need to take to bring your book successfully to market?

A practical, factual course to get you where you want to be - published! 

This course will guide you through the big tasks right down to the finer details leaving no stone unturned. Succinct lists and downloadable PDF's will help you absorb the abundance of information provided in this course.

Wherever you are in the book creation process, this course will take you through all the publishing steps to maximise your chances of success.

This course will set up a framework for a successful book project.

Help you get organised - know what you need to do and when.

Inform you of the many tasks involved in successfully writing, publishing, marketing, distributing and leveraging your book.

Stop you from making simple writing and publishing mistakes.

Know when to outsource a task or when to tackle it yourself.

Save $$$ by doing the right things in the right order.

Writing a book and becoming an author are two very separate things!
This course will provide you with invaluable information on the business of books to give you complete autonomy over your book's destiny.

Ultimate Timeline Guide to Successfully Publish Your Book - What to do when!

WHAT to do WHEN to successfully write, publish, launch & profit from your book

This course lays out all the steps you need to take during the publication process for your book, right through to book launch day and post-launch activities.

Doing tasks in the right order and timeframe - whether they are WRITING, PUBLISHING, MARKETING, DISTRIBUTION OR LEVERAGING tasks, is efficient, economical, limits stress and will keep your book project on track.

You'll learn the ideal time to outsource tasks such as editing and proofreading, right through to when to contact distributors, media and engage your book cover designer.

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to writing and launching a book. By being organised and informed, you can make the most of every opportunity that comes your way, but more specifically, you'll be able to create opportunities too!

With so many millions of books and authors out there, this course will list all the little and large tasks you need to do - in an ideal order - to maximise your book's chance of success. Know what needs to happen when, and never miss a crucial deadline.

Give it a try, it's worth the investment and could save you from making countless mistakes on your writing and publishing journey.

The many tasks involved in planning, writing, publishing and marketing a book can make even a veteran author and publisher feel overwhelmed.
And if you're self-publishing, even more so!
But what if you had a guide to show you not just the myriad of tasks you need to tick off, but also the optimal timeline to do so?

Join Anna Featherstone, author of Look - It's Your Book! and founder of Bold Authors, for this highly useful course, full of actionable information and important tips.

Anna will demystify all the little and large steps that you need to take - and when - to bring your book to market successfully.

In this presentation, you will:

  • learn how to use the idea of 'buckets' to organise different tasks
  • gain an understanding of the important (little and large!) tasks you'll need to tick off before launch in the areas of writing, editing, design, publishing, marketing and distribution.
  • discover the ideal timeline to complete tasks, ranging from 12+ months before launch right through until launch day and beyond. 

This course is a major extension of the presentations Anna Featherstone has presented for The Australian Society of Authors, The Small Press Network's Independent Publishing Conference and other writing groups. It contains added material, checklists and worksheets.

"Excellent material! So much I hadn't thought to do."

"Wow! Thanks for laying it all out like this."

"So much good information!"

What is Included in the Course...

Module 1

Welcome to the Ultimate Timeline Guide to Successfully Publish Your Book

Module 2

Introduction to Task Buckets and Publishing TImelines

Module 3

12+ Months Before Launch

Module 4

12 Months Before Launch

Module 5

8 to 12 Months Before Launch

Module 6

Six Months Before Launch

Module 7

4 to 6 Months Before Launch

Module 8

3 Months Before Launch

Module 9

2 Months Before Launch

Module 10

1 Month Before Launch

Module 11

2 to 4 Weeks Before Launch

Module 12

Launch Day Tasks

Module 13

Post Launch Tasks

Anna Featherstone

✑ Founder of Bold Authors
✑ Australian Ambassador for ALLi
✑ Judge of the Australian Business Book Awards
✑ Member presenter for the Australian Society of Authors (ASA)
✑ Author of the ASA recommended reading title: 'Look - It's Your Book!' 

This course is so new I don't have any testimonials yet :) , but if I'd have had access to these publishing timeline checklists and information when I was publishing my books, I would have made it to book launch day a whole lot calmer, more organised, having made less costly mistakes and with greater marketing and collaboration opportunities for my books.

As an author, it's worth it.

No more guessing about what to do when.

Course Pricing


$68.00 AUD